Alinia legal notice

Alinia legal notice

1. Who we are? 

This website (the «Web Site») is property of ALINIA AI, INC (“Alinia”) with offices in New York, 22 Vanderbilt Ave, Suite 7C, NY 10017.

You can contact us at our email address [email protected]


2. Industrial and intellectual property

All intellectual and industrial property rights applicable to the contents included in the website are owned by Alinia or its licensors, and are protected by national and international legislation in force. To the extent not expressly stated otherwise, all rights to the contents are reserved.

The above mentioned includes, but is not limited to, images, brands, logos, distinctive signs, sounds and animations, texts, sonorous, visual and audiovisual recordings, and the data bases that integrate the Web Site and are part of it.

Any use on your part that has not been previously authorised expressly by Alinia, direct or indirect, with or without profit, of the contents, including the download and storage, transmission, public communication, distribution, reproduction or transformation, total or partial, of the same, is expressly prohibited, being able Alinia to exercise all the judicial and extrajudicial actions that it considers convenient as a consequence of an eventual infringement of its rights.


3. Responsibility 

Alinia is not responsible for the web pages of third parties that are accessible from the Web Site; neither for the accuracy, veracity and validity of the information of the Web Site that are not of own elaboration, whose contents belong to sources of information of third parties outside Alinia.

Nevertheless, we agree to suppress or disable these links, as well as withdraw or, in its case, block those contents that could be illicit or infringe rights of third parties.

Alinia reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in its Web Site, as well as its configuration or presentation, at any time without assuming any responsibility for it.

Alinia disclaims all liability from any use of content made available through the website. 


4. Protection of Personal Data

All the data that you provide to Alinia through the Web Site will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


5. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

This Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy are governed by New York Law. The magistrates and courts of the city of New York will be competent to decide any dispute.




Version: 21st May 2024.

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